Audit Details
Click icon to add a row for logging audit findings and observations. Specify the attributes for the audit details using the followings fields:
Field Name
Standard or Requirement Trace
Enter the international industrial standards and requirements that apply for the audit.
For example, ISO 9001:2008 Ref: 4.0 Quality System, 5.0 Management Responsibility.
Enter the sub-section of the industrial standard used.
Auditor Instructions / Description
Specify the audit description and instructions.
Typical Objective Evidence
Enter the objective evidences of the audit.
For example, Review audit schedule, audit report and auditor qualification, Are corrective actions closed? Are audit results reviewed by Top Management?
Not Verified
Select if the audit details are not verified.
Self Audit Score
Enter self-audit score.
Audit Score
Enter audit score after conducting the audit.
Auditor Comments
Provide the observations and findings in comments.
Finding / Observation
Select one of the following options from the list:
Finding - Select this option when an action is required from the quality auditor to rectify the outcome.
Observation - Select this option to specify the result of an audit.
Specify the criticality as minor or major.
Remedial Action Comments
Add any immediate actions required to address the Findings.
When all the information is added, click Finish.
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