Specialized Administration > Info*Engine Administration > Windchill Adapter Configuration Entry
Windchill Adapter Configuration Entry
The Windchill adapter is a tightly integrated component of the Windchill server. When the method server is started, the adapter is started automatically as a part of the method server startup sequence. The Windchill adapter provides the API through which Info*Engine accesses data in the Windchill system.
The form does not provide a way to modify the wt.property settings that are set for the adapter during the Windchill installation. In most cases, modifications to these setting are not needed. However, if the Windchill name, Info*Engine resource property file location, the Info*Engine Naming Service name, or the JNDI adapter name used with Windchill is changed, then the corresponding value in wt.properties must be changed.
For more information, see About the xconfmanager Utility.
Adapter properties are maintained as attributes in Info*Engine adapter JSON entries. Use the Info*Engine Administration utility to add or modify existing adapter entries. You can access the property administration utility by navigating to Site > Utilities and clicking Info*Engine Administration. For more information, see the following topics:
Creating a Windchill Adapter Entry
When Windchill is installed, an initial Windchill adapter JSON entry is created. To create an additional Windchill adapter entry, use the following procedure:
1. From the Create Entry menu, select Windchill Adapter.
A property editor window opens.
2. Enter appropriate values in the fields provided. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. For more information, see Windchill Adapter Properties.
3. When you are finished, click Create Adapter.
Modifying the Windchill Adapter Form
To modify the Windchill adapter form, use the following procedure:
1. From the Form Editor menu on the Property Administration main page, select Windchill Adapter.
2. Reset the Service Class, Help Page, Property Help Page, and Resource Bundle properties by modifying the information available in each field.
3. To include or exclude property fields, select or clear the checkbox next to the property name.
4. Under Properties, you can modify the order and appearance of properties sections by selecting the property or section title and then clicking the available buttons to reorder or edit its appearance.
5. When you are finished, click OK.
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