Import a Classification Structure
You can import a classification structure from a JAR or ZIP file.
To export a classification structure, use the Export to XML action. For more information, see Export a Classification Structure.
You must be a site administrator to import a classification structure.
For information on creating a classification structure from a CSV file, see Import Classification Structure from CSV File.
Before You Begin
When importing a classification structure, note the following:
The import process imports an entire classification structure, regardless of any nodes that have been selected in the classification tree.
Matches are based on the internal name of the classification node or attribute.
You can only import one structure under the root node. If you attempt to import multiple structures, an error appears in the method server logs indicating that there is already a structure present under the root node.
Does the classification node or attribute exist?
In load file?
In Windchill?
The node or attribute is updated in Windchill.
A delete load file for the node or attribute is generated in the following location:
The node or attribute is created in Windchill.
If there are no reusable attributes on the target server, the attributes are created and any existing attributes and values are overwritten.
Import Steps
1. From the Classification Tree, select Actions > Import.
2. A warning message appears. The import action overrides the existing classification structure, and cannot be undone. Click OK to continue.
3. From the Import window, click Browse and navigate to the JAR or ZIP file that you want to import.
4. Click OK.
The Import window closes and a confirmation message appears if the import was successful. Otherwise, an error message appears.
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