Moving Reusable Attributes and Attribute Organizers
Reusable attributes can be moved between attribute organizers in the following ways:
Using drag-and-drop in the navigation pane.
Using the Cut and Paste actions from the right-click actions menu in the navigation pane, or from the Actions menu of an information page.
Reusable attributes cannot be moved to the Root organizer. The Root organizer can only be a direct parent of other attribute organizers.
Attribute organizers can be moved to another attribute organizer (including the Root organizer) in the following ways:
Using drag-and-drop in the navigation pane.
Using the Cut and Paste actions from the right-click actions menu in the navigation pane, or from the Actions menu of an information page.
When an attribute organizer is moved, all reusable attributes and attribute organizers that it contains are moved with it.
The internal names of an attribute organizer and its sibling organizers must be unique. If moving an attribute organizer results in an internal name conflict, an error message is displayed and the move action is not completed.
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