Viewing and Editing Reusable Attributes
The reusable attribute information page allows you to view and edit the reusable attribute properties. Access the information page for a reusable attribute by clicking the reusable attribute in the navigation pane tree structure, or by selecting View Information from the right-click actions menu for the reusable attribute.
Any changes made to a reusable attribute are automatically propagated to any instances of global attributes referencing the reusable attribute in the system. Not all properties on the reusable attribute can be edited.
The following properties display for a reusable attribute:
Internal Name—The internal name for the reusable attribute. Only alphanumeric characters, underscores ( _ ), and periods ( . ) are allowed in the Internal Name. The Internal Name field can be no more than 200 characters long.
Description—The description of the reusable attribute.
Display Name—The display name for the reusable attribute.
Logical Identifier—A name to identify the attribute in external configuration and property files. It is often the same as the Internal Name and must be unique across all attributes in the system.
Data Type—The data type of the reusable attribute. This property cannot be edited. For more information, see Supported Data Types.
Quantity of Measure—(Real Number with Units data type only) The quantity of measure specified for the reusable attribute cannot be edited. The display units defined for the reusable type are displayed in the Display Units tab below the attribute properties. The display units for each measurement system can be overridden. Enter units in the corresponding Override column to set the default Display Units for each measurement system. The units of measure entered in the Override column will appear in the attributes assigned to the type.
The override unit must be compatible with the units of the associated quantity of measure.
To edit the reusable attribute properties, select Edit from the Actions menu of the reusable attribute information page, or from the right-click actions menu for the reusable attribute in the navigation pane. For more information, see View and Edit Modes.
To edit reusable attributes, organization administrators must be added to the Attribute Administrators group. For more information, see Type and Attribute Management Permissions.
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