Hyperlink Attributes
The value for a Hyperlink data type attribute is a URL and optional label in the format URL (optional label). For example, http://www.mysite.com (My Site). If a label is specified, that label is displayed as hyperlinked text in the user interface. If no label is specified, the URL is displayed as the hyperlink in the user interface. No validation is performed to ensure that the value entered is a properly formatted URL.
If a Hyperlink data type attribute is included as a variable in a calculated attribute, then the attribute value is displayed in the format URL (URL label), with the URL as the hyperlinked text.
When entering the URL value, always include the protocol for the URL. For example, enter http://www.ptc.com rather than www.ptc.com. Although browsers may display the page correctly when the protocol is not included, if a Hyperlink data type attribute URL without a protocol is used in a calculated attribute, it does not display as a hyperlink.
Any protocol can be entered for the Hyperlink data type attribute URL value, but only the following protocols can be used for hyperlinks in calculated attributes: telnet, ldap, ldaps, http, https, hftp, mailto, news, skype.
Calculated attributes on the Change Task do not work for attributes displayed as hyperlinks. For example, Reviewer attribute.
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