Propagating Permissions
When changing the access control permissions associated with a folder within a project or program, the Edit Access Control window displays the following additional checkboxes:
Propagate access control changes to folder contents
Recursively apply access control changes to subfolders
These checkboxes only display when you are managing the security of a single folder. If you select multiple folders and then select the Edit Access Control action, you cannot propagate permission changes.
The following subtopics describe the use of these checkboxes. Additionally, if you are working with objects that have been shared from another context, see Setting Access Control on a Shared Object.
Propagating Changes to Folder Contents
Selecting the Propagate access control changes to folder contents checkbox applies the same changes being made to the folder to certain objects other than folders in the folder (all parts, documents, and CAD documents in the folder).
For example, assume the following:
Folder1 exists in Project1
Doc1, Doc2, and Subfolder1 are in Folder1
DocSub1 is in Subfolder1
Selecting the propagate checkbox when changing the permissions granted for Folder1 makes the same changes for Doc1 and Doc2, and does not make the changes for Subfolder1 or DocSub1. Only the changes resulting from the selecting and clearing of permission checkboxes are propagated; other permissions granted on the folder that are not being changed are not propagated.
The changes are applied to all of the objects, regardless of whether the object is checked out. When working from the Folders page, you are always working with the checked in version.
When an object that was checked out is checked in, the access control permissions set on the new iteration are, by default, the permissions set on the previous iteration. The permissions on the working copy are not carried forward. This default is managed by the property file setting that is configured by your administrator.
Applying Changes to all Subfolders
Selecting the Recursively apply access control changes to subfolders checkbox applies the same changes being made to a folder and its contents to all subfolders (and their contents) under the folder.
The Recursively apply access control changes to subfolders checkbox is only active after you have selected the Propagate access control changes to folder contents checkbox.
For example, assume the following:
Folder1 exists in Project1
Doc1, Doc2, and Subfolder1 are in Folder1
DocSub1 is in Subfolder1
Selecting the Recursively apply access control changes to subfolders checkbox when changing the permissions granted for Folder1 makes the same changes for Doc1 and Doc2, and the same changes for Subfolder1 and DocSub1. Again, only the changes are propagated to all of the objects.
The changes are applied to all objects, regardless of whether the object is checked out.
When an object that was checked out is checked in, the access control permissions set on the new iteration are, by default, the permissions set on the previous iteration. The permissions on the working copy are not carried forward.
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