Enterprise Administration > About Purging > Improving Purge Performance
Improving Purge Performance
This section provides recommendations for improving purge performance. These suggestions are provided as examples only; the conditions for your application vary according to your system configuration.
Tips for Improving Performance
Purge performs better if the number of objects to be purged is not too large. The following tips help reduce the number of objects in a purge job:
Create separate queries for contexts.
Create separate queries for different object types.
Create separate queries for folders.
Purging Objects in Chunks
There are two ways to purge objects using Purge Management:
All objects at once—Removes as many objects as possible. However, this approach is not efficient when a large number of objects (10,000 or more) needs to be purged. All objects at once is the default mechanism.
Purging objects in chunks—The chunk size can be configured using the Chunk Size Purge option under Purge, Archive, Restore preferences in Preference Management. Setting Chunk Size Purge to a value greater than 0 enables this option, and setting it to -1 disables it. PTC recommends a chunk size of 1000 for most purge jobs.
When using the first option, if the purge operation fails or encounters any other catastrophic failure, the entire transaction is rolled back and nothing is purged. The second approach splits the original large set of objects into chunks, and then purges each chunk in a separate transaction. Any data purged by these smaller transactions cannot be rolled back if the purge fails.
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