Enterprise Administration > About Purging > About Selection Criteria
About Selection Criteria
When you create or update a query, you can choose from the following criteria types in the Selection Criteria window:
Object Type (required)—Includes objects of the kind of object you specify (document, part, or EPM document).
If you select the Include Descendants checkbox, all of the subtypes for that type are also included in the results of the query. If you do not select the Include Descendants checkbox, only the type you selected is included in the results of the query.
If you select more than one type, query results include objects that match any of the object types you selected.
Created—Includes objects created within the date range that you specify.
Creator—Includes objects created by the user that you specify.
Life Cycle State—Includes objects with the life cycle state that you specify.
Modified—Includes objects modified within the date range that you specify.
Modifier—Includes objects modified by the user that you specify.
Version—Includes objects with the version of the objects you specify. If you do not specify this option, all versions are included by default.
You can specify only one version option: Version or Version at Maturity. You cannot specify both options.
Version at Maturity—Includes versions with the life cycle state that you specify. Only versions at the maturity level that you specify are included.
You can specify only one version option: Version or Version at Maturity. You cannot specify both options.
View—Includes objects with the view that you specify.
You specify additional preferences, such as whether to include associated parts and what iteration level of the objects to include, when you create a job.
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