Exporting Action Items to Microsoft Excel
You can download a set of action items into a Microsoft Excel file. You can then print, email, or embed the spreadsheet in a report.
Although you can modify attributes in an exported spreadsheet, the Export to Excel action generates a file that is not intended for editing. If you edit an action item that you do not have permission to modify, the Import from Excel action fails.
If you are unsure which action items you have permission to modify, use the Edit and Export to Excel action instead. This ensures that only editable action items are exported. For more information, see Editing Action Items in Microsoft Excel.
1. Navigate to the Tasks table. Set the table view to reflect the action items you want to export. For example, All Action Items view might include different action items than the Closed view.
If you select checkboxes next to action items first, then only those items are included in the spreadsheet.
2. Select Actions > Export to Excel.
You might receive a warning that the template is in a different format than the file extension. Click Yes.
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