Interpreting Part to Part Structure Comparison Results
The Compare to Part Structure action allows users to view and compare any two part structures side by side. For overview information and launch points, see:
The results of the comparison are displayed in the Compare to Part Structure window. The following sections describe how to interpret the comparison results:
The information in this help topic is specific to the comparison of two part structures. For more information on the layout and general use of the structure compare window, see Comparing Structures.
Compare Window Actions
The following actions are provided in the left and right side tool bars in the Compare to Part Structure window:
Available On
Displays the Compare to Part Structure setup window. Use to select different structures and filters and restart the comparison.
Left side
Previous difference
Next difference
Locates the previous or next part structure difference in the left and right part structures.
Uses the currently highlighted part to determine the previous or next difference. Sub-assemblies are opened to reveal differences.
Left side
Show only differences, Show all
Toggles the display of the compared structures to show only the sibling parts or branches that contain differences, or show all parts. The first time the Compare to Part Structure action is used all parts are shown, click to show only parts that have differences. Thereafter, the system remembers the last choice made by the user.
Left side
Collapse all levels
Recursively collapses all levels of a selected assembly part and associated objects in both the left and right side part structures. You can also collapse all levels of any assembly part by selecting Collapse All Levels in the right-click menu.
Left side
Export list to file
Comparison results can be exported to a file on your desktop using the Export list to file action. Use the following procedure to export part comparison information:
1. Expand the part structures to display the branches and related information you wish to be included in the exported file.
The exported file will contain only the part structure branches and comparison information that is displayed.
2. Click the export list to file icon and select a file format from the drop-down menu.
3. You will be prompted by your browser to open or save the exported file. The prompt you receive depends on the browser that you use.
The name of the exported file is derived from the top part in the left side of the Compare to Part Structure window.
The exported file contains rows for each part in the expanded structure. It also contains the three difference columns shown in the Compare to Part Structure window with the difference information.
The table view in the Compare to Part Structure can be configured to show additional attribute information in table columns. It is recommended that the Type attribute be included in the table view to distinguish between parts in the part structure and other types of parts that are related to the part structure such as replacements.
Left side
Hover the mouse over the icon to view the current filter properties in the tool tip or click the icon to display the Filter Properties window.
Left and Right sides
Edit filter
Click to display the Edit Filter window and change modify part structure filters.
For more information about using structure filters, see Filter Action Set - Parts.
Left and Right sides
Saved filters
Click to select a saved filter, save the current filter for later use, or manage saved structure filters.
For more information saving and managing structure filters, see Saving and Reusing Structure Filters.
Left and Right sides
Table views
Table views on the left and right sides may configured independently. Click to select a previously defined table view or create a new table view.
For more information, see Customizing Table Views.
Left and right side
Compare Window Differences
The following table describes the differences that are detected when comparing part structures. The differences are displayed in the columns between the part structures according to the type of difference. Columns are numbered from left to right.
Column 1 – Child differences
Column 2 – Relation differences
Column 3 – Attribute differences
Hover the cursor over the difference column heading to see the difference category.
Child difference
This icon appears when a difference is detected at any level beneath the assembly. To see the differences, expand the part structure or select the assembly and click Next difference to open the structure and highlight the next object difference.
Child difference
No equivalent object
No equivalent part or related object exists in the opposite (left or right) structure. A blank row is displayed in the structure that does not have the equivalent part or related object.
Relation difference
View usage attribute differences
The attributes stored on the usage relationship between the part and parent assembly have changed. Click this icon to view the Usage Attribute Differences window and see more detailed information.
Reference designator attribute values are stored on usage relationships. For more information about interpreting reference designator attribute differences, see Interpreting Reference Designator Comparison Results.
Relation difference
View attribute differences
The attributes stored on a part or related object that exists in both structures have changed. Click this icon to view the Attribute Differences window containing more detailed information.
Attribute difference
This icon indicates that the part has been replaced by an alternate or substitute part.
For more information on replacement parts, see Managing Replacement Parts.
Attribute difference
Compare Window Tabs
The Compare to Part Structure window has the following information tabs below the left and right side structure.
Displays the attributes of the selected part or related object in the product structure. Attribute differences are highlighted.
Displays attributes that are defined on the relationship between the selected part and its immediate parent assembly. Attribute differences are highlighted.
Displays an interactive image of the part structure on the left or right side. Use the icons across the top of the visualization window to manipulate the image. The visualization tab is only available when it is enabled by your Windchill system administrator.
For more information about using the visualization window, see Visualization Tab.
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