Proximity Spatial Filters
Spatial filters use volumetric information to determine what parts to display or hide in a part structure. Spatial filters can be used in conjunction with other filters to reduce the structure display to only those portions that are relevant to a specific configuration management or design task.
Use the following steps to define a proximity spatial filter:
1. Select a part image in the Visualization tab. A box is drawn around the selected part. This box is used to create the proximity volume.
2. Click the spatial filter icon above the visualization window. Select Set Proximity Spatial Filter from the menu. The Set Proximity Spatial Filter window appears with the selected part name, number, and version displayed in the Part field.
3. Enter 0 or a positive real number in the Proximity field. The proximity volume is enlarged in all directions using this number.
4. By default, parts that are partially within the proximity volume are included in the filtered structure. Select Remove items that are partially outside the proximity region to include only those parts that are completely within the proximity volume.
5. Click OK to dismiss the Set Proximity Spatial Filter window and filter the part structure.
The spatial filter description can be viewed by clicking the Current Filter icon in the Structure toolbar.
A proximity spatial filter can also be created by selecting a part in the structure pane and selecting Set Proximity Spatial Filter from the right mouse button menu. You must select Show Occurrences from the Display drop-down menu on the Structure toolbar in order to select a part to use for the proximity volume.
Note that you cannot select a part in the structure pane and create a proximity filter by clicking the icon above the visualization window. The part selected in the structure pane will not be used to create the proximity filter when the action is launched from that location. Create the proximity filter from the same location used to select the part.
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