Variant Baseline Information Page
A variant baseline’s information page is accessible by clicking its view information icon in the Variant Baselines table.
Use the following tabs to view information and manage variant baselines.
Contains object and system attributes related to the variant baseline.
Variant Specifications
Allows you to Manage which variant specifications and their revisions are associated with the variant baseline. For more information, see Variant Specifications Table.
Baseline Objects
Displays parts that have been added to variant baseline. For more information, see Baseline Objects Table.
Displays maturity history for the variant baseline. For more information, see History Information Tables.
Actions for managing variant baselines are available from the Actions menu. Some are common Windchill actions; for more information, see Actions Common Among Objects. The following actions are particularly useful when working with variant baselines.
Update Variant Specifications
Allows you to update a variant specification to the latest iteration of the revision being used in the variant baseline. This does not replace it with newer revision. For more information, seeUpdate Variant Specifications Window.
Add Baseline Objects
Allows you to add parts to the variant baseline that are required to develop a prototype. For more information, see Adding Baseline Objects.
Edit Baseline Objects
Allows you to update the status and other soft attributes on the baseline member link as it progresses through the prototype development stages. For more information, see Edit Baseline Objects Window.
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