Selecting Groups
Use the following steps to select groups:
1. Select the Groups tab.
2. Populate the table of groups. Select a single directory service from the Service drop-down list to display only groups from that directory service, or select All to display all groups, regardless of the service.
You can limit the groups displayed in the table as follows:
To display a specific group in the table, enter the group's name in the Group Name field and click Find.
In your entry, you can use the * or % wild cards. The specified services are searched and the matching results are displayed in the table.
To display all groups from the selected service in the table, leave the Group Name field empty and click Find.
The groups displayed are also limited by the context from which the Policy Administration utility is launched.
3. From the groups table, select a group to add to the Selected Principal table, and click Add. For notification rules, you can click Add All to add all the displayed groups.
To help in your selection of a group when multiple groups have the same name, you can inspect the information presented in the Qualifier column and Service drop-down list:
If the group listed is a system group that is created and managed internally, then the Qualifier column contains one of the following:
For shared team groups, the Qualifier column contains the name of the shared team.
For all other system groups, the Qualifier column contains the name of the context where the group was created.
The following system groups are managed in organization contexts:
The All Participating Members group contains all of the team members groups for each of the application contexts assigned to an organization context.
The This Org group represents members of the current organization as defined in the organization participant associated with the current organization context.
The groups that are named with an organization name are groups containing members of an organization that are in a specific shared team. The qualifier for this type of group is the shared team name. This type of group is also present in the Groups tab when the Policy Administration utility has been launched from an application context. The groups in the application context that are named with an organization name are context team groups and have a qualifier of the context and context team name. For more information, see About Roles and Groups.
The application context creator groups, which include LIBRARY CREATOR, PRODUCT CREATOR, and PROJECT CREATOR.
For additional details about the system groups associated with context teams, see About Roles and Groups.
If the group listed is a group that resides in a directory service (known as user-defined groups), then the Qualifier column contains the distinguished name of the participant that is stored in the directory service identified in the Service drop-down list.
4. For access control rules, select either Selected principal or All except selected principal. Selected principal is selected by default.
Use Remove to remove a group. For notification rules, you can click Remove All to remove all groups.
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