Viewing Notification Lists
Notification lists are generated from the notification rules for a domain and its ancestor domains. These lists are the basic mechanism for initiating user notification when a specific event occurs for a particular object within the domain. The View Notification Lists window displays the notification list for an object type and event that you specify.
To view a notification list, click a domain�s name from the Domains pane in the Policy Administration window and select the Notification Rules tab. In the Search Results table, click the view notification lists icon . The View Notification Lists window opens.
The View Notification Lists window contains the following search properties:
The domain that is displayed in the Notification Rules tab when you clicked the view notification lists icon is the domain that is displayed in the View Notification Lists window.
The context of the domain.
Select the object type for which you want to view indexing lists. To make a selection, click find to open the Find Type window.
Select an event that triggers notification. Begin typing the event name in the text field to narrow the selections in the events list.
Click Search after you have selected a type and event.
Notifications lists are displayed in the Search Results table with the following columns:
The user, group, or organization, that the notification list applies to.
Distinguished Name
Specifies the unique directory name associated with the participant. This name is made up of directory attributes that include the participant name and directory location.
The LDAP database from which the participant information is retrieved.
General Status
Displays icons indicating the participant�s status. For more information, see Participant Status.
Object Type Indicator
Displays the object type�s icon.
You can right-click in the column headers to deselect and hide columns to modify the view with only the information you want to see.
The following columns are not displayed by default, but can be added to the table view.
If the participant is a group or organization, this column displays its description.
The organization the participant is a member of.
Provides the same information as the General Status column, but with text instead of an icon.
Use Filter table to search the columns and limit the results.
Notification lists are oriented by object type, and are obtained by combining all rules that apply to the domain to which an object belongs, an event, and the type of object. For example, a notification list for the Create event occurring for Document objects would apply for all Documents within a given domain. This notification list would be different than one for the creation of new WTPart objects, even if the objects belong to the same domain.
To make this definition precise, it is necessary to describe when a rule applies to an object type, and how rules are combined.
A rule is applicable to a given object when the notification rule refers to either the object�s type or one of its ancestor types. For example, a rule that applies to the WTObject type also applies to the IncidentReport type, if IncidentReport is a subtype of WTObject.
Object and event type hierarchy, in addition to the domain hierarchy, means that more than one set of participants may be notified when a specific event is applied to an object.
For example, consider the combination of the following rules:
Demo Organization
Demo Organization
Marketing, Engineers
The combination of these rules produces the following notification list entry for IncidentReports, created in the /Publications domain:
Demo Organization
Marketing, Engineers, Support, Amanda.Smith
As this list entry specifies, user Amanda Smith and all members of the Marketing, Engineers, and Support groups are notified whenever an incident report is created in the /Publications domain. This result is based on the following application of the notification rules:
Per the first rule, members of the Support group are notified when an incident report is created in the /Publications domain.
Per the second rule, user Amanda.Smith is notified of all events that occur to a WTObject in the /Publications domain.
Because the IncidentReport object type is a subtype of WTObject and inherits its rules, Amanda Smith is also included in the notification list entry.
Per the third rule, members of the Marketing and Engineers groups are notified when a WTObject is created in the root / domain.
The IncidentReport object type is a subtype of WTObject, and /Publications is a descendant of the root / domain. Because rules are inherited through both domain and object type hierarchies, the Marketing and Engineer groups are included in the notification list entry.
When you have defined the notification rules for your domains, a single notification list is shared by all events with the same event type, target object type, and target object domain. When an event occurs to an object, the notification list associated with the object is retrieved, and the appropriate participants are notified. For performance reasons, existing notification lists are kept in a cache.
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