Creating and Editing Notification Rules
To create or edit a notification rule, click a domain’s name from the Domains pane and select the Notification Rules tab. In the Search Results table, use one of the following:
To create a notification rule, click the create new notification rule icon.
To edit a notification rule, select an existing rule and click the edit icon, or click Edit from the right-click actions menu for a rule.
If more than one rule is selected in the Search Results table, then Edit is disabled. The action is also disabled for rules from other contexts that are displayed as a result of including ancestor domains in the search.
When creating a rule, you must set the following properties for the rule:
Select the object type for which you are defining a rule from the tree in the Find Type window.
All subtypes of the selected type inherit the rules defined for the type.
Types that are not instantiable do not display in the Find Types window by default, however any that you specify in the property wt.admin.hierarchyListAdditions.wt.notify.Notifiable of the file will be displayed provided a notification rule can be applied to the type.
Select the event that triggers notification, or select All to trigger notification on any event.
Select the users, groups, and organizations who receive the notification. Click the add participants icon to open the Find Participants window. For more information, see Find Participants. To remove participants from the table, select the participants and click the remove participants icon .
Right-click the column headers in the Participants table to select additional columns or hide columns to simplify the view. Columns can also be reordered by dragging and dropping them into a new location in the table.
The following columns can be added to the Participants table.
Description — Displays the descriptions for groups, organizations and roles.
Distinguished Name — Specifies the unique directory name associated with the participant. This name is made up of directory attributes that include the participant name and directory location. Included in the default table view.
General Status — Displays icons indicating the participant’s status. For more information, see Participant Status. Included in the default table view.
Name — The user, group, organization, or role that the rule will apply to. Included in the default table view.
Object Type Indicator — Displays the object type’s icon. Included in the default table view.
Organization — The organization the participant is a member of.
Service — The LDAP directory service or the system groups from which the participant information is retrieved. Included in the default table view.
Status — Provides the same information as the General Status column, but with text instead of an icon.
When you are satisfied with your choices, click OK to save the changes and return to the Policy Administration window.
Click Apply to save the rule and clear your selections to create another rule. Use Reset to clear the fields and reset the values to the defaults when you first opened the window.
OK and Apply are disabled until a type, event, and participant are selected.
Edit Notification Rule window
When you edit a notification rule, you can only modify the participants. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Policy Administration window. At least one participant must be selected to save changes to the rule.
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