Viewing Access Control Lists
Access control lists (ACLs) are the mechanism used to enforce access control. An ACL is generated for each object type, state, and domain. For additional information, see About Access Control Lists.
To view a policy access control list, click a domain’s name from the Domains pane in the Policy Administration window and select the Access Control Rules tab. In the Search Results table, click the view access control lists icon . The View Access Control Lists window opens. Multiple View Access Control Lists windows can be opened to allow you to compare lists for different object types and life cycle states.
The View Access Control Lists window contains the following search properties:
The domain that is displayed in the Access Control Rules tab when you clicked the view access control lists icon is the domain that appears in the View Access Control Lists window.
The context of the domain.
Select the object type for which you want to view ACLs. To make a selection, click find to open the Find Type window. To further identify the object type, hover over a type name to view its internal name in a tooltip. Click OK. For more information, see Finding Types.
Select a life cycle state for the object type.
Click Search after you have selected a type and state.
Am ACL is displayed in the Search Results table with the following columns:
The user, group, organization, or role that the ACL applies to.
Applies To
Indicates if the list applies to the participant or to all except the participant.
Grant Permissions
Permissions that are granted with the list.
Deny Permissions
Permissions that are denied with the list.
Absolute Deny Permissions
Permissions that are absolutely denied with the list.
Use Filter table to search these columns and limit the results.
You can right-click in the column headers to deselect and hide columns to modify the view with only the information you want to see.
Hover over the contents of the Participants column to view a tooltip with additional information about the participant. For an explanation of the information displayed, see Managing Access Control.
Hover over the contents of a permissions column to view a tooltip with all permissions that appear in that column.
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