Received Delivery Information Page
As the central object to manage the package import process, the received delivery contains multiple pieces of information. The information is compiled as the received delivery proceeds through the import process. When it is initially uploaded, it is a collection of ZIP files associated with a package delivery sent from another Windchill system. If applicable, the manifest file and any included delivery attachments are also included. As it progresses through the process, additional attachments are added with information related to preview and import.
The information page of a received delivery is accessed by clicking the information icon from the Received Delivery Management table or from the Search Results table.
Access to received deliveries is limited to the Products and Libraries contexts.
From the information page, you can perform actions on a received delivery, as well as view the object attributes and any related information.
For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in a menu in the upper left corner of the page. See Common Actions for a list of common actions available in Windchill. The availability of these actions depends on the status of the received delivery, as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Object Status.
The following actions may be of particular interest for this object.
Prepare Uploaded Files
Restarts the initial import preparation on the uploaded ZIP file.
This action is required if the received delivery has an import status of Preparation Unsuccessful.
Preview and address any mapping conflicts between the source delivery contents and the current Windchill system prior to importing the ZIP file contents.
This action is only available after all expected received delivery files are uploaded and the received delivery has an import status of Ready.
Import objects from the package delivery ZIP file contents to your Windchill system.
This action is only available after all expected received delivery files are uploaded and the received delivery has an import status of Ready.
The following tabs are viewable on the received delivery information page. You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs
Administrators may have modified the tabs that are viewable to you.
Lists the received delivery attributes, including information about the received delivery object and about the Windchill system from which the delivery originated.
See Object Attributes for a list of common attributes available in Windchill. For more information about attributes specific to received delivery objects, see Received Delivery Attributes.
The following tables are available from this tab
Included in Delivery Attachments: Lists all files that were included as attachments on the delivery.
Primary Content: Lists the manifest file that was sent with the delivery, if any.
Attachments: Lists all log files associated with the received delivery, including file preparation logs, import logs, preview logs, and summary reports.
Received Delivery Files
Contains the Received Delivery Files table, which lists all uploaded ZIP files that originated with the sent delivery.
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