Security Options
Security options can further restrict the ZIP file contents from the package content objects. The security options available vary depending on the recipient. Regardless of the security option selected, the ZIP file will never contain objects to which the user initiating the Zip Package for Delivery action is not authorized. The Security Options section is not available for replication package deliveries.
When the recipient is a Windchill user, two options are presented:
All package contents This option does not include the recipient’s authorization into the construction of the ZIP file. As a result, the recipient could view more information in the ZIP file than is accessible to the recipient in Windchill. Including all package contents is not appropriate in all scenarios. It can be used when the user is not granted authorization to the package contents, but is granted authorization to the delivery. For example, the delivery may be shared to a project in which the user is a member.
Only package contents accessible to recipient This option considers the recipient’s authorization when constructing the ZIP file. As a result, the ZIP file contains only the information for which both the sender and recipient are authorized. Using this option is the most conservative approach, but not produce the desired results when the recipient is authorized to see the delivery, but not the package contents.
If your site has security labels enabled and the recipient is not a Windchill user, you can select the security label values applied to the objects in the package that should be included in the ZIP file. The ZIP file contains only the information to which the user initiating the Zip Package for Delivery action is authorized and with the specified security label values applied. Objects with one or more custom security label values for the same security label applied cannot be included in the ZIP file.
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