Deliveries Table
The Deliveries table appears when you select the Package page for a particular context. It lists the package delivery information for all packages to which you have access for that context.
A similar table appears when you select the Deliveries tab on a package information page. In this case, the Deliveries table lists only deliveries for the specified package.
You can add the table to an object’s information page by selecting Customize > Related Objects > Packages
For more information, see Related Objects Information Tables.
Changing the Table View
You can limit the packages deliveries displayed in the Deliveries table by selecting a view from the view list. Depending on the context from which you view the Deliveries table, the following views may be available:
View only deliveries that were received and accepted by the recipient.
View all deliveries related to the latest version of a package.
Awaiting Action by Others
View only deliveries for which others must complete an action. For example, acknowledging that a delivery has been received. All versions of packages, technical data packages, CDRL packages, and SDRL packages are visible. Replication packages are not displayed.
Awaiting My Action
View only deliveries for which you must complete an action. For example, sending a previously zipped delivery. All versions of packages, technical data packages, CDRL packages, and SDRL packages are visible. Replication packages are not displayed.
Downgraded Deliveries
View only the downgraded deliveries. For more information, refer to the section “Downgraded Deliveries and Sync Deliveries —Behavior”.
Made by Me
View only deliveries that you created.
View only deliveries that were received and rejected by the recipient.
Sent by Me
View only deliveries that you sent.
Sent to Me
View only deliveries that were sent to you.
Sync Deliveries
View only the deliveries created by you and are intended for sync. For more information, refer to the section “Downgraded Deliveries and Sync Deliveries —Behavior”.
You can also select Customize from the view list to define your own table view for the Deliveries table. You can tailor your view by selecting which object types and columns display in the table. You can also determine the order in which the columns appear. For more information, see Customizing Table Views.
Downgraded Deliveries and Sync Deliveries— Behavior
This is an optional feature available as a separate license.
If the downgraded deliveries feature is enabled for your Windchill installation then the system generated Downgraded Deliveries and Sync Deliveries views are available.
Although, if the downgraded deliveries feature is not enabled, the system generated Downgraded Deliveries and Sync Deliveries views are available only if the downgraded deliveries are present in the system.
If the downgraded deliveries feature is changed (enabled/disabled) at any time, the method server must be restarted for the changes to the views to take place. Contact your system administrator.
In case the downgraded deliveries feature is disabled when current view is set as Downgraded Deliveries or Sync Deliveries the current view is reverted to All, after the method server is restarted.
Column Information
The columns available in the Deliveries table provide specific information about each package delivery in the table. Columns such as Number, Name and Package Version may appear.
You can change the columns that appear by creating a new view. To do this, select Customize from the view list and then select the New View action. For more information, see Customizing Table Views.
Many actions are common across Windchill objects. The following delivery-specific actions may be available on the Deliveries table or in the Actions menu:
Click the receive delivery icon to acknowledge receipt of a package that has been delivered to you. A window appears, allowing you to accept or reject the package. For more information, see Receiving a Package.
Click the send package icon to send a delivery that has already been created.
Click the zip package for delivery icon to create a ZIP file of the package content.
This action is available only if the package has been locked but no ZIP file has been created.
Click the new delivery icon to create a new delivery.
Click the edit icon to edit the delivery. The Edit Delivery window contains the same fields used when creating a delivery. The fields are pre-filled with the information you specified when creating the delivery, but they can be changed.
This action is available at the row level for each delivery.
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