Preview Step: Reusing Existing Variant Specifications and Variants
The Preview step allows you to either reuse any of the matching existing variant specifications or variants, or continue with the configuration process and create a new variant specification.
Possible Matching Results
The Matching Variant Specifications table identifies the variant specifications and variants parts that match the inputs and definitions provided by you in the previous steps of the configuration process. The following matching scenarios are possible:
Scenario type
Scenario 1:
Both the variant specification and the variant part match
Identifies the existing variant specifications that match the user inputs (specified in the Set Filter and the Set Parameters steps of the configuration process) where the variant part matches as well.
The Matching Variant Specifications table shows the matching variant specification and the matching variant, with the status for the variant indicating Matching Variant.
Scenario 2:
Only the variant specification matches
Identifies the existing variant specifications that match the user inputs (specified in the Set Filter and Set Parameters steps of the configuration process) where the variant part does not match.
The Matching Variant Specifications table shows the matching variant specification, and lists the variant part with the status Non-Matching Variant.
Scenario 3:
The matching variant specification does not have a variant part
Identifies the existing variant specifications that matches the user inputs (specified in the Set Filter and Set Parameters steps of the configuration process), where the variant part does not exist.
The Matching Variant Specifications table shows only the matching variant specification.
Completing the Preview Step
1. Review the matches in the Matching Variant Specifications table.
2. Select one of these actions:
Go to selected Variant Specification information page—Valid for the scenarios #1, #2, #3. Click Finish to close the window and go to the information page of the existing variant specification you selected.
Go to selected Module Variant information page—Valid for the scenarios #1 and #2. Click Finish to close the window and go to the information page of the existing variant part you selected.
Use selected Variant Specification—Valid for the scenarios #2 and #3. When you click Next to continue with the configuration process, input values for the current variant specification are set to those from the selected variant specification.
Create a new Variant Specification—Available for all scenarios. Click Next to continue with the configuration process to create a variant specification and request deliverables.
3. Click Next to go to the next, or click Finish to complete the configuration.
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