Creating a Configurable Module
If you plan to define advanced selection logic for a configurable module or use a deliverable generation process, the configurable module cannot be a child of a standard part.
1. Go to the product’s
Folders page, and click

2. In the New Part window, select Part for Type.
3. Select Yes for Configurable Module.
4. Select No for Create as End Item.
5. Select Yes for Collapsible. When the part is defined as collapsible, it is replaced by one of its child parts when choices are applied to the structure.
6. Type the part name and specify other part attributes.
7. If you want to restrict the number of child parts that are allowed for the configurable module, specify the values for
Minimum Required and
Maximum Allowed. For more information on this restriction, see
. 8. Complete the part creation by clicking Finish.