Assigning Expressions to Parts
You can assign expressions to parts or configurable modules. Consider this information for assigning expressions:
An option set must be assigned to the part or its context, or to the root part or its context. The context is a product or library to which this part belongs.
If the option set was created with Allow Assignment of Expressions to Non-Configurable Items set to No, you can assign expressions only to configurable modules. If the option set was created with Allow Assignment of Expressions to Non-Configurable Items set to Yes, then you can assign expressions to both standard parts and configurable modules.
You can assign advanced expressions, if advanced expressions are supported for your site and product.
To assign expressions to a part:
1. Go to the part information page and click Assign Expression from the Actions menu.
2. The Assign Basic Expression window opens, listing the options and choices from the assigned option set. For steps for defining basic expressions, go to Defining Basic Expressions.
If the toggle action is available, you can toggle the window between the basic expressions and the advanced expressions. The icon appears if the current assignment type disagrees with the setting of the Supported Expressions preference setting, or if the preference is set to both types.
3. When finished expressions, click OK. The expressions you assigned are listed in the Assigned Item Expressions column in the tree view and the Uses table.
You can configure the tables to add the Assigned Item Expressions column.
Other Ways to Access the Assign Expression Action for Parts
The Assign Expression action (or the toolbar action) is also available from the following locations:
As a toolbar action on the Assigned Basic Expression Choices or the Assigned Advanced Expressions table (accessed by adding a new tab to the part information page and selecting Customize > General > Assigned Expressions)
From the Folder Contents table, as a row-level right-click action
From the Search page, as a row-level right-click action
From the tree view on the Structure tab of the part information page, as a row-level right-click action
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