Set Attributes
Complete the following steps to attach the primary content and define the descriptive attributes for the document template:
1. Specify the type of source to use for the primary content of the document template by selecting an option from the Primary Content Source drop-down list. The options include the following:
No Content
Local File
URL Link
External Storage
If primary content is not required or you want to add it later, you can select No Content.
For all other primary content options, additional attribute fields appear based on the option you select. In those cases, further identify the primary content as described in the tables below.
All options available in the Primary Content Source drop-down list are controlled by preference settings. For example, if primary content is required by your site (determined by the setting of the Attachments > Primary Content Enforcement preference), the No Content option is not available.
Local File
Field Name
Local File Path
Click Browse to select a file on your local machine.
You can also drag and drop one or more files onto the action window to upload them as attachments. For more information, see About Drag-and-Drop.
File Name
Displays the name of the selected file.
URL Link
Field Name
Enter the path to information available from a Web site outside of Windchill.
URL Label
Enter a name to display for the URL.
External Storage
Field Name
External Storage Location
Enter a description of the external location where the primary content is stored, such as a building number, file cabinet, or safe. For example, Building 5, Room 1214, Cabinet C, Drawer 2.
External Storage Label
Enter the label for the content in the external storage location. For example, Expenses for Job 0577.
2. Define the descriptive attributes for the document template (other than the primary content), using the following fields in the Attributes table:
Attributes Table
Field Name
Enter a name for the document template up to 160 characters long. The name of the template must be unique in the current context. If you selected a file as primary content, a name for the document is automatically generated based on the file name and you can edit it.
Enter a unique number to identify the document template.
Depending upon how your Windchill solution is set up, this field may be pre-populated and may or may not be editable.
Enter a text description of the document template up to 4000 characters.
Select Autoselect Folder or Select Folder.
Autoselect Folder determines the folder location of the document template according to the object initialization rules for the context.
Select Folder allows you to select the folder location for document creation. The list contains the name of the folder in which the New Document Template action was launched along with it's direct subfolders.
Depending upon how your Windchill solution is set up, this field may or may not be displayed.
Life Cycle Template
If this field appears, select the life cycle template you want to use for this document template from the drop-down list.
Depending upon how your Windchill solution is set up, this field may be pre-populated and may or may not be editable.
Team Template
If this field appears, select the team template you want to use for this document template from the drop-down list.
Depending upon how your Windchill solution is set up, this field may be pre-populated and may or may not be editable.
If your site has created additional attributes for the type of document template selected, additional fields can appear in this step. Add values to the fields displayed as appropriate.
3. Select the Enabled checkbox to allow others to use the document template when creating documents. Clear the Enabled checkbox to keep the template private so that it does not appear in the drop-down list of templates available for creating documents from a template. By default, this checkbox is selected.
Use this check box in conjunction with the Show and Hide actions to filter the visibility of the template.
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