Change Object Templates Table
Navigate to the Templates table under the following contexts.
Select Change Object Templates from the table view list:
Table Columns
The Templates table displays the existing templates and the following information about each:
The template name.
Template names must be unique within each context.
View Information
Open the information page for the template.
Indicates whether the template is visible in the user interface, allowing users to select the template when creating a new object. For more information, see Filtering the Visibility of Templates.
Access control rules can also affect your ability to select templates. For more information, see Access Control Policies for Change Notice Template Selection.
Indicates whether the template is available for use. If the template is not enabled, it is not visible and cannot be selected.
When selected, the template is the default option used when creating new change objects.
Indicates the change object type.
The highest level context in which the life cycle template resides.
Table Actions
Actions are available from the table toolbar and from the right-click actions menu in table rows:
Hide the template in any action window that would allow a user to select the template.
Show the template in any action window that would allow a user to select the template. The template must also be enabled.
Create a new change notice template.
Enable the template for use.
This action is available on all versions and iterations of the template that are checked in and currently disabled.
Disable the template. When disabled, the template is hidden and cannot be selected.
Delete the selected template.
Export templates to a JAR or ZIP file.
View Information
Open the information page for the template.
Modify the template
Rename the template.
The template must be checked in before you can rename it.
Set State
Set the life cycle state of the template.
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