About CAD Document Templates
A CAD document template provides a means for standardizing common documents such as for a CAD part or an assembly.
CAD document templates have the following characteristics:
They are created and managed from Templates pages, which are accessible only to administrators.
The CAD document templates can be created in the context of a product, library, project, program, organization, or site.
CAD document templates cannot be enabled and disabled as is done with document templates. All CAD document templates that are created are enabled; if you do not want a CAD document template to be used, you can hide the template.
From the CAD document template details page , you can perform actions against the template.
The access to CAD document templates follows the same general access rules as other templates:
CAD document templates are accessible from the context in which they are created and from any child context established below the context in which they are created. For example, assume that context structure is as follows:
ABC Company
Common Library
Then all templates created at the site context are available from the ABC Company context and from the Common Library context. Templates created at the ABC Company context are available from the Common Library context, but not from the Site context and templates created at the Common Library context are only available in that context.
If there is a CAD document template with the same name created in more than one context, then the template from the child context is used.
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