Optional AttrValue, AttrConstraint, and VarDef Attributes
In the AttrValue, AttrConstraint, and VarDef tags, you optionally can include the following XML attributes:
Additionally, you may see the force attribute when displaying a composite rule. Currently, the force attribute has no effect on the rule and can be ignored.
The final and ignore attributes can both be included in the same rule or in separate rules in the AttrValue, AttrConstraint, or VarDef tags elements. The values set for these attributes apply only to the element in which they are set for the specified object type identified in the AtributeValues tag. Therefore:
Including the attributes in an AttrValue element does not affect the functioning of the AttrConstraint and VarDef elements.
Including the attributes in an AttrConstraint element does not affect the functioning of the AttrValue and VarDef elements.
Including the attributes on a VarDef element does not affect the functioning of the AttrValue and AttrConstraint elements.
The following topics describe the separate use of each attribute. Details on including both attributes together in the same element can be found inSpecifying Both final and ignore XML Attributes.
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