Creating a Rule
Object initialization rules establish the default values that are used and any display constraints for the attributes of an object when the object is created.
A rule is specified in an XML file that is uploaded into the Windchill database when you create the rule.
Only the administrators of the context can create rules in a context.
Use the following procedure to create a rule:
3. Click the new object initialization rule icon

The New Object Initialization Rule window opens.
4. In the Name field, enter a name for the rule. You can use the same name for multiple rules in the same context as long as the rules are not for the same object type. The combination of the object type, rule enabled status, and context must be unique.
5. In the Type field, select the type identifier of the object by clicking the Find button.
6. In the XML File field, click Browse to locate the document you created in step 1.
7. Click OK to create the rule and return to the page from which you started the activity.
Click Cancel to return to the page from which you started the activity without creating a rule.
Windchill enables the rule’s
use within the context that it was created. If an existing rule for the specified object type is enabled in the current context, then an error is returned; you must update, disable, or delete the existing rule before creating a new one for the object type.