Conditional Logic Algorithm Example
Use the following sample XML to specify conditional logic algorithms for setting different numbering schemes, depending on a specific attribute on a wt.part.WTPart object type:
<AttributeValues objType="wt.part.WTPart">

<AttrValue id="number"


<Value algorithm="wt.rule.algorithm.BooleanBranch">
<Value algorithm=" wt.rule.algorithm.StringInListTest ">
<Attr id="Existing_Attribute"/>


In this example, the StringInListTest algorithm is used to test whether the part attribute value for " Existing_Attribute " is A, B, C, D, E, or F. If the part attribute value is in the list, then the algorithm returns TRUE; if it is not in the list, the algorithm returns FALSE.
The value returned by the StringInListTest algorithm determines which Arg element is used in the BooleanBranch algorithm:
A TRUE return value uses the first Arg element; in this case, {GEN:wt.enterprise.SequenceGenerator:WTPARTID_seq:10:0}.
A FALSE return value uses the second Arg element; in this case, {GEN:wt.enterprise.SequenceGenerator:WTPARTID_seq:5:0}.
For additional examples, you can download the out-of-the-box rules using the Download action from the right-click actions menu in the Object Initialization Rules table.
For additional explanations of the syntax required when using each conditional logic algorithms, see Conditional Logic Algorithms.
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