Phase Roles
Advanced life cycle templates include an option to map roles to a life cycle phase.
Windchill provides many predefined roles. Administrators can also add custom predefined roles. For more information, see Define Additional Life Cycle Roles.
The following roles are predefined:
Determines when the object is ready to be submitted for promotion to the next phase in its life cycle.
Reviews the object, enters comments as appropriate, and votes either for or against promotion.
Determines whether an object will be promoted to the next phase in its life cycle.
While an object is awaiting promotion, an observer can view the object and reviewer input.
Adding Roles to a Phase
1. From the life cycle phase diagram, select the phase for which you want to configure roles.
2. Select the Roles tab.
3. Under Available Roles, select the role you want to add and click Add.
Click Add All to add all available roles.
To remove a role, select the role under Selected Roles and click Remove.
To remove all selected roles, click Remove All.
Adding Participants to a Role
When searching under the Groups, Users, and Organizations tabs, note the following:
Searches are not case sensitive.
You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to substitute zero or more characters.
Use the Service field menu to limit your results to the selected directory service. Select All to display all participants, regardless of the service.
The results displayed might be limited by the context from which the Life Cycle Template Administration utility is launched.
1. Under Selected Roles, select the role you want to populate.
2. Click Participants.
3. Search for participants under the following tabs:
To display all groups in the selected service, leave the Group Name field blank and click Find.
To limit the groups returned, enter the name of the group in the Group Name field.
To display all users in the selected service, leave the Full Name and User Name fields blank and click Find.
To limit the users returned, complete the Full Name or User Name field.
If you enter values in the Full Name and User Name fields, both entries must match for the search to be successful.
To display all organizations in the selected service, leave the Organization Name field blank and click Find.
To limit the organizations returned, enter the name of the organization in the Organization Name field.
An actor represents a user who performs a specific action within the context the business object.
Creator is the only actor predefined in Windchill. This is the user who created the primary business object.
A list of predefined team roles are displayed.
Windchill provides numerous roles by default. However, administrators can add custom roles depending on the needs at your site.
4. Select the participant you want to add and click Add.
Click Add All to add all available participants.
To remove a participant, select the participant under Participants and click Remove.
To remove all selected participants, click Remove All.
5. Click OK.
Multiple participants can be configured for a single role. For example, a role can be assigned to both a group and a team role.
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