Basic Administration > Managing Licenses > Managing Windchill License > Retrieving License Online using windchill Shell
Retrieving License Online using windchill Shell
In this section, we will see how to retrieve license and configure its settings through Windchill Shell. This section is for Windchill administrators, and it is assumed that you are aware of or are well versed with operating Windchill shell. To perform these actions, you must ensure that you remain online.
To access the built-in license management utility, use the following command: windchill wt.licenseusage.WindchillLicenseUtility
Use the following arguments to execute this utility.
Switches the license settings to online mode. Use this mode if you are connected online.
Switches the license settings to offline mode. Use this mode if you are offline.
Fetches license if the license setting is already set to online mode.
Switches the license settings to online mode and fetches license.
Site administrator user name.
Site administrator password.
PTC user name.
PTC password.
Configuring License Settings
To switch the license settings to online mode, execute the following command:
windchill wt.licenseusage.WindchillLicenseUtility -SetToOnlineMode -ptcUsername <PTC username> -ptcPassword <PTC password> -siteUsername <SiteAdminUsername> -sitePassword <SiteAdminPassword>
To switch the license settings to offline mode, execute the following command:
windchill wt.licenseusage.WindchillLicenseUtility -SetToOfflineMode -siteUsername <SiteAdminUsername> -sitePassword <SiteAdminPassword>
Fetching License
Using Windchill shell, you can fetch license by executing the license utility.
If your license setting is already set to online mode, execute the following command to fetch license:
windchill wt.licenseusage.WindchillLicenseUtility -FetchLicense -siteUsername <SiteAdminUsername> -sitePassword <SiteAdminPassword>
To switch from offline mode to online mode and fetch license, use the following command:
windchill wt.licenseusage.WindchillLicenseUtility -SetToOnlineModeAndFetchLicense -ptcUsername <PTC username> -ptcPassword <PTC password> -siteUsername <SiteAdminUsername> -sitePassword <SiteAdminPassword>
On successful execution, license is processed and fetched automatically. A new license information is added to the table in the License Information tab. If the execution fails, error message is displayed on Windchill shell. Use --help to display usage instructions for the utility.
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