How to Export Data to Excel
Use the following procedure to export data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet using the Export Importable Spreadsheet action. For more information, see Considerations for Exporting Data.
1. Go to one of the following locations:
part information page or document information page
From Actions menu, select Export Importable Spreadsheet.
Structure tab on a part information page
In the Reports action set of the toolbar, click Export and then select Export Importable Spreadsheet.
Folders or Search Results table
From the Actions menu, select Export List to File > Export Importable Spreadsheet.
From the right-click menu, select Export Importable Spreadsheet.
Clipboard table
From Quick Links, select Clipboard. From the Actions menu, select Export Importable Spreadsheet.
The actions are controlled by profiling and appear in the following locations only if your administrator has added you to the appropriate profile. For more information, see Accessing Data.
2. Under Export Options, select options as described in the table below. You can select more than one checkbox, except when BOM Table is selected.
BOM Table
Note the following information regarding the BOM Table functionality:
The ability to use the BOM table is an advanced capability subject to a separate license entitlement.
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) must be installed on your machine. Macros drive the changes related to the matrix worksheet.
Exports the part and BOM worksheets (single-level BOM only) as well as a matrix worksheet. Replacements are not exported. From the matrix worksheet, you can add or remove child parts from parent parts and update usage link attributes. For more information, see BOM Table Worksheets.
Click Set Parent Attributes and Set Usage Attributes to select the attributes that appear in the matrix worksheet.
Selections for Set Parent Attributes and Set Usage Attributes remain per browser session. Default selections are controlled by the following properties in the wtproperties file: com.ptc.windchill.ixb.exporter.defaultParentAttribute and com.ptc.windchill.ixb.exporter.defaultUsageAttribute
Contact your site administrator to change these properties.
Selected parts are exported to the parts worksheet. Child parts are not exported.
The configuration specification is not considered because BOM is not selected.
Selected documents are exported to the documents worksheet.
BOM (all levels of children) is exported based on the selected configuration specification. Each parent part is in a separate BOM worksheet.
If you select BOM, the following icons appear under a new Current Settings section:
Click the current filter icon to view the existing configuration specifications and other filter settings.
Click the edit filter icon to change the settings.
Alternates of selected parts are exported to the replacements worksheet. Substitutes are not exported.
The configuration specification is not considered for replacements because BOM is not selected.
All selected parts and their child parts (if any) are exported in the parts worksheet. It also lists parts that are included as alternates and substitutes.
BOM (all levels of children) is exported based on the selected configuration specification. Each parent part is in a separate BOM worksheet.
Alternates and substitutes for the parent and child parts included in the selected configuration specification are exported in the replacements worksheet.
Selected parts are exported to the parts worksheet. Child parts are not exported.
Alternates are exported to the replacements worksheet. Substitutes are not exported.
The configuration specification is not considered for replacements because BOM is not selected.
BOM (all levels of children) is exported based on the selected configuration specification. Each parent part is in a separate BOM worksheet.
Alternate and substitutes for the parent and child parts included in the selected configuration specification are exported in the replacements worksheet.
All selected parts and their child parts (if any) are exported in the parts worksheet.
BOM (all levels of children) is exported based on the selected configuration specification. Each parent part is in a separate BOM worksheet.
Selected parts are exported to the parts worksheet. Child parts are not exported.
Selected documents are exported to the documents worksheet.
The configuration specification is not considered because BOM is not selected.
3. Under Export Attributes, specify the file name and extension for the exported spreadsheet.
4. Click OK. A window opens asking if you want to open or save the Excel file.
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