Selecting a Structure Type
The Select Structure Type to Add window enables you to specify the type of top-level object to export.
You select a structure type as part of the selecting data for export process. To select a structure type:
1. In the Objects for Export section of the Export window, click the add icon .
2. Select one of the options and then click OK.
3. Select objects to export using the Search the top level object window.
To select a configuration specification for the exported objects, click the edit filter icon . This opens the Edit Filter window with a Configuration Specification tab. For more information about the Configuration Specification tab and the specifications that you can select, see About Configuration Specifications.
1. The Configuration Specification window will be used only to search an object for export and perform structure navigation while exporting an object collection.
2. The configuration specifications are valid only for the structure type that is selected by the user.
3. When trying to export again, the configuration specifications will be persisted and used again based on the structure type that is selected.
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