Windchill ESI Services
Windchill ESI services give Windchill PDMLink the capability to communicate with MES interfaces via a set of different delivery channels. The MES interface is responsible for monitoring a set delivery channel, which is written by Windchill PDMLink. Conversely, Windchill ESI services can be configured to monitor for acknowledgement from the MES interface. This acknowledgement can be provided using web service running on a Windchill system. For example, to notify the MES software interfaces that a new object was released from Windchill PDMLink, Windchill ESI services generate one or more response messages representing the released product information, and place them on delivery channel. For example, a Network Drive or File system. The MES interface, which listen for messages arriving on this file system, respond by creating or modifying one or more analogous objects in a MES server. Results of the update are then communicated back to Windchill ESI services using PostResult web service to Windchill ESI services.
Windchill ESI Renderers
Windchill ESI services consist of various object specific renderer components that are responsible for querying the Windchill database and represent the information depending on the distribution target system. Renderers do the following:
Query objects using the settings defined on distribution targets and various configuration set Windchill ESI services.
Display changes since the last retrieval.
Determine the attribute values to be returned for the object before delivering the response.
Delivery Component
This component makes use of Info*Engine services to deliver the response to a destination by applying transformation specified on a distribution target. For example, to a delivery channel. When integration is to MES, B2MML transaformation is applied on the File type target to deliver the multiple ISA95 B2MMLmessages.
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