Viewing Related ESI Transactions
The Related ESI Transactions table shows all transactions for a selected business object and its distribution targets.
To view related ESI transactions for a business object, use the following procedure:
1. Select the object for which you wish to view related ESI transactions and click the information icon . The object’s information page appears.
2. Select the distribution targets tab. For more information see Displaying the Distribution Targets Tab.
3. In the Distribution Targets table of the selected object, select the distribution target for which transactions need to be displayed.
4. From the toolbar select Show Related ESI Transactions .
The Related ESI Transactions window opens.
You can also view transactions in the Enterprise Systems Transaction Administration utility, available from Utilities under Organization or Site. For more information see Searching with Enterprise Systems Transaction Administration.
The Transactions table shows the results of your search. Each transaction shows the following information:
Number that uniquely identifies a transaction within a context.
Name of the object being published.
Lifecycle state of the business object when publishing it via the given transaction.
Type of the object being displayed in the row. For example, a Transaction.
Action Taken
Action performed on the object in the row. The following actions are possible: Create, Change, Delete or None.
Distribution Target Name
Name of the distribution target to which the object was published.
Shows the current status of the transaction. The following possibilities exist, with their descriptions:
Pending - The transaction has been initiated, but Windchill ESI services have not recorded the status for any of the transaction’s associated subtransactions.
Processing - Windchill ESI services have recorded at least one successful subtransaction, and has not recorded any failed subtransactions. The transaction is partially complete.
Failed - One or more of the transaction’s subtransactions has failed, and processing of the transaction is complete. Errors must be fixed and a new publication transaction must be submitted to complete the publication of all objects.
Failed and Superseded – The transaction has failed and has been replaced by a new transaction, created by way of re-submitting an ESI failure.
Succeeded - The transaction has completed, and all subtransactions were successful.
Click the status hyperlink to view any status messages related to the publish activity.
Start Date
Indicates the date when the transaction was created.
End Date
Indicates the date when the status last changed.
Created By
Indicates the initiator of the transaction.
The Windchill organization that the transaction belongs to.
Start Date, End Date, Created By and Organization are hidden by default. To display these columns use the Columns drop-down action and select Columns. Then select the additional columns you would like to display.
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