Windchill ESI allows you to publish part-associated documents, as well as standalone documents (documents that are not associated with business objects) that were created or changed within Windchill PDMLink, to a distribution target such as SAP. Windchill PDMLink can be configured to publish particular document attributes and these attributes are used in creating document records in the distribution target.
Note the following:
If the Publish Enterprise Data Information preference is on, then documents associated with the Enterprise data are published. If Windchill MPMLink is installed documents associated to operations and resources are published as well.
CAD document structures are published provided the relevant distribution target attributes are set. Although a structure that is released from Windchill PDMLink may be sent with the ESI response, it is only the documents that constitute the structure (but not the relationships that exist between them) that would be published to SAP.
A CAD document structure is published provided the top-level document is released, or a Change Notice (or a promotion request) holding the document is released. In other words, only the top-level document in a structure is published if a part (or a manufacturing object) having an associated CAD document structure is released.
Windchill ESI passes the following document-associated attributes from Windchill PDMLink to the EAI software components:
Lifecycle State
Last Changed By
Distribution Targets
Previously Published Document Version
Since ESI services process only CAD document structures, the attribute IsAssembly will be sent with a value false for a WTDocument, even if the document has associated children.
Once the document data has been sent from Windchill PDMLink, the EAI software components map the Windchill PDMLink document attributes to SAP document attributes. The following table shows the mapping of Windchill PDMLink document attributes to SAP document attributes.
Windchill Document to SAP Document Attribute Mapping
Windchill Document Attribute
SAP Document Attribute
Document Number
Document Description
Document Type
Document Type
Document Version
There are some Windchill PDMLink document attributes that are passed from Windchill PDMLink to the EAI software components that are not passed to SAP. These attributes include the following:
Document Iteration
Document Description
Document Title
Lifecycle State
Last Changed By
Previously Published Document Version
If the distribution target is capable of handling any of these attributes, the EAI software components can be extended to pass the information to SAP; however, the default SAP system does not currently have attributes that can handle information for these attributes.
The attribute Distribution Targets in the elements Destination and TargetID that appear in the ESI response, identifies the distribution target in which the document should be created or changed. When publishing associated documents the document in Windchill PDMLink inherits distribution targets from the object (for example, part) to which it is associated. The EAI software components use this information to communicate with the correct distribution target and pass plant information to it.
In contrast to an associated document, a standalone document is published to those distribution targets that are explicitly associated to the document.
The attribute Last Changed By in Windchill identifies the Windchill PDMLink user that last updated the document prior to publishing. Windchill ESI creates and changes business objects in SAP using the system account specifically set up for that purpose (ESISYS by default). This is the user ID that Windchill ESI users see in the Last Changed By field in SAP for most Windchill ESI business objects.
Some attributes that are passed from Windchill PDMLink are passed to the distribution target from the EAI software components without transformation; however, the values for the attribute Document Type are cross referenced with SAP values in the EAI software components. The following table shows the possible Windchill PDMLink document values and the corresponding SAP document values that are passed from the EAI software components to SAP.
Document Type Value Mapping
Windchill PDMLink Document Type Value (Database Value)
SAP Document Type Value (Database Value)
Document (WCTYPE|wt.doc.WTDocument$$Document)
Design/Engineering (DES)
Requirements Document (WCTYPE|wt.doc.WTDocument$$Requirements)
Design/Engineering (DES)
Specification Document
Specification (SPE)
Test Plan
Test Document (TST)
Reference Document
Tech Documentation (DOC)
CAD Document
Engin/Des. Drawing (DRW)
ESI General Document
Tech Documentation (DOC)
General Document
Tech Documentation (DOC)
Agenda Document
(WCTYPE|wt.doc.WTDocument|PTCNET.Agenda $$Document)
Tech Documentation (DOC)
Minutes Document
Tech Documentation (DOC)
Plan Document
Tech Documentation (DOC)
Presentation Document
Tech Documentation (DOC)
There are some attributes that SAP requires to create or change document records that are not provided by Windchill PDMLink. In these instances, Windchill ESI defaults the values in the EAI software components prior to passing the data to SAP. The following table lists the SAP document attributes that are defaulted in Windchill ESI and their default values.
SAP Document Default Values
SAP Document Attribute
Default Value
Document Part
Document Status
Released (FR)
Document Description Language Key
Refer to the section titled Internationalization Considerations in the Planning and Implementing Windchill ESI Installation chapter of the Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration - SAP section.
Document Direction Indicator
Enabled (X)
Original Type
URL (1)
Name of Data Carrier
Internet (Internet)
NET (Web)
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