Context Pages
In the Browse tab of the Navigator, if you expand the name of a context, the following pages display detailed information related to the context.
Displays attribute information and provides actions to perform.
Provides access to the objects stored in the current context. Depending on your permissions, you can perform a number of actions on these objects. For more information, see Folders Table.
Displays the product structure for the selected context. For more information, see Part Structure Tab.
This page is available under products only.
Displays the workspaces to which you have access. Workspaces can contain CAD model information or information from other authoring applications associated with the context.
For this page to display, your user preferences must be set to enable CAD workspaces.
Workspaces are not supported for programs.
Provides access to the network structure (context references, folders, and links) stored in the selected context. If you are the context manager or administrator, you can create, delete, and edit objects from this page. For more information, see About Networks.
Displays the activities, summary activities, time lines, milestones, and subprojects for the selected project or program. You can subscribe to these objects and edit them if you are the object owner. If you are the project or program manager, you can create, delete, and edit these objects from this page.
Provides access to the packages related to the selected context. A package is an organized collection of objects that are developed, reviewed, delivered, updated, or managed as a cohesive set. The objects in a package form one or more collections which reference specific versions of product information that can span contexts.
For more information, see About Packages.
Lists the team roles and the members of the current context. Depending on your access permission, you can view and email team members and perhaps modify the team from this page.
For more information, see About Teams.
Displays all of the available resources, including personnel and facilities. Each team member is automatically listed as a resource.
Displays all meetings which you have created or to which you have been invited within the selected context. Depending on your permissions, you can create, host, edit, or join a meeting, add meeting minutes, or list action items for a meeting from this page.
This page is available under the projects or programs only.
For more information, see About Meetings.
Displays the work assignment related to the selected context. For more information, see Assignments Table.
Change Monitor
Provides a visual depiction of the changes occurring within the product for the specified time period. View the open and closed problem reports, change notices, and change requests associated with the product. Links are also provided to view additional reports. For more information, see About Change Monitor.
This page is available under products or libraries only.
Lists the discussion topics and topic postings for the selected context. You can create a new topic, subscribe to a topic or create, reply to, or subscribe to a posting from this page.
For more information, see About Discussions.
Displays templates created for the current context, including document templates, and allows you to create new or modify existing templates if you are a context manager or administrator.
For more information, see About Templates.
Displays the reports available for the current context.
Click the report name to run the report. After you have run a report, you can run additional reports by selecting the report name from the Current Report drop-down list available on the report results table.
Displays links for organization and site administrators, providing access to certain administration activities.
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