Using Mouse Buttons in Explore Navigation Mode
When using the Explore navigation mode, consider the following guidelines:
You require a three-button mouse to use this navigation mode.
The mouse actions require pressing and holding the middle button, and further holding the left button, right button, or CTRL, depending on what you prefer.
In the Explore navigation mode, the projection mode is automatically set to Perspective.
In this mode, you can view an object from different depths and angles, and even fly through the model.
Hold the middle button and drag
Flies in or out, or spins
Drag down to fly out, and drag up to fly in. Drag right to spin clockwise, left to spin counterclockwise.
Hold the middle and right mouse button, and drag
Slides the camera across the model
Press SHIFT+hold the middle mouse button and drag
Flies up or down, or spins
Drag up to fly up, and drag down to fly down. Drag right to spin clockwise, left to spin counterclockwise.
Press CTRL+hold the middle mouse button and drag
Orbits the camera around the model
Double-click the part
Zoom to part
Double-click in the graphics area
Zoom to model
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