Using Mouse Buttons in CATIA V5 Compatible Navigation Mode
When using the CATIA V5 Compatible navigation mode, consider the following guidelines:
You require a three-button mouse to access all the navigation actions.
The mouse actions require pressing and holding the middle button, and further holding the left button, right button, or CTRL, depending on what you prefer.
Selects a part
Press CTRL+left-click
Selects additional parts or deselects a part
Hold the middle button and drag
Pans the structure
If you are in the zoom or rotate mode, release the mouse buttons and middle-click to return to the pan mode.
Hold the middle button, then press and hold the right or left mouse button, and drag
Rotates the structure
Press CTRL+hold the middle button and drag
Zooms in or out
Hold the middle button, and press and hold the right or left mouse button. Then, release the right or left mouse button, and drag.
Double-click the part
Zoom to part
Double-click in the graphics area
Zoom to model
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