Setting the Scope
You can set the scope of the change monitor page only from Changes > Change Monitor, not from Products and Libraries . The scope is automatically limited to a single product or library, usually the one most recently viewed.
You can set the scope for Change Monitor on the Changes > Change Monitor page by selecting one of the following options in the Monitor Changes for drop-down list:
Entire System—The default selection that uses all of the change objects to which you have access within the system to gauge the status of the change process.
My Products & Libraries—This option uses all of the change objects of products and libraries of which you are a team member within the system to gauge the status of the change process.
My Products—If you are a team member of one or more products, this option will gauge the status of the change process based on all of the change objects associated with all of the products of which you are a team member.
My Libraries—If you are a team member of one or more libraries, this option will gauge the status of the change process based on all of the change objects associated with all of the libraries of which you are a team member.
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