Viewing Effectivity
The View Effectivity action opens the View Effectivity window, allowing you to view the planned effectivity on an object. The action is available as a table toolbar action for one or more objects. Launch points include the following:
Change notice Implementation Plan table
Affected Objects table of a variance
Resulting Objects table of a change task
When the View Effectivity table is launched from the change notice Implementation Plan table, a field above the table displays related change tasks. Based on your selection of a change task, effectivities are displayed in the table.
The following fields display on the Planned Effectivity table.
The primary identifier of the object.
The revision and iteration of the object.
The name of the object.
Effectivity Context
The context for the effectivity range.
Effectivity Type
The type of the effectivity, based on the trace code of the context, including Serial, MSN, Block, Lot, and Date.
Effectivity Qualifier
The qualifier of the effectivity type being used, including blank, Exact, and No later than. The default is blank.
Your site may add additional options.
Effectivity Range
The comma-separated range of dates, serial numbers, or lot numbers.
Shows whether the planned effectivity is to be propagated.
Showing this field is controlled by a preference.
Click Close.
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