Integration with Other Applications > Augmented Reality > Enterprise Design Share Service Administrative Portal
Enterprise Design Share Service Administrative Portal
An administrator can perform the following operations for Enterprise Design Share Services for your organization:
View statistics on the number of users, models published, and models remaining for a Enterprise Service.
Add and delete users, and manage access permissions for users.
View and manage models published by all users.
Share an Experience Model.
Modify the viewers list for models published by all users.
Experience Portal Statistics
On the Admin Dashboard, you can see the following statistics:
Authors —Total number of users who can publish and share the experience models. The user may have author or administrator permissions.
Models Published—Total number of models published by all the users for the selected Enterprise Service.
Models Remaining—Total number of models that you can publish to the Enterprise Service. This number is determined based on your license package.
Views Consumed—Number of times experience models are viewed using Vuforia View. Each time a user views an experience model using Vuforia View the count is incremented by 1. However, if the user views the same experience model, multiple times in 15 minutes, the view consumed is counted as 1.
To Add, Delete, or Change Permissions of a User
1. On the Admin Dashboard, click Add User to add a user to the selected Enterprise Design Share Service. The Add User dialog box appears.
2. Enter the email ID of the user.
3. In the Role list, select one of the following roles for the user:
Admin—Add as an administrator for the selected Enterprise Service.
Author—Add as an author and will have rights to publish and share models on the selected Enterprise Design Share Service.
4. Click Add.
5. To delete a user, click . If you delete a user, all the models published by the user will be assigned to you and can be viewed on the Model Dashboard.
6. To change the access permission for a user, select Author or Admin in the Role list on the Admin Dashboard.
To Manage Experiences Published by Users
On the Admin Dashboard, click View to view the models published by a user to the Enterprise Design Share Service. The Model Dashboard tab opens displaying a list of Experience models with the publishing date for each model.
To Manage Viewers for an Experience Model
On the Model Dashboard, you can do the following:
Click to share the model with others.
Click to remove the model from sharing.
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