Updating Out-of-Date Objects
Modifications to an object made by other users or by you in another workspace may cause your current workspace object to become out-of-date. This status is determined by comparing to the following specifications, as applicable.
The default document configuration specification (for CAD documents and dynamic documents)
The default part configuration specification
These are defined in the workspace preferences. The default workspace configuration specification is the latest iteration on the latest revision.
You may select one or more objects to update. Alternatively, you can select the Update action without pre-selecting an object (action-object). In this case the Update page is automatically populated with any out-of-date objects from the workspace.
Having columns for the following attributes displayed in your workspace table allows you to see if objects are out-of-date.
Out of Date Status (not the latest iteration on the latest revision)
Out of Date with Workspace Configuration Status (not conforming to the workspace configuration specification)
Performing an update resolves the condition, Out of date with workspace configuration. For more information on customizing table views to display attributes and status, see Customizing Table Views.
To update objects in your workspace:
1. Select the objects in your workspace that you want to update (or for action-object update, select no objects) and select File > Update. You can also click the update icon in the toolbar.
The Update page appears, displaying any objects that you or the system selected for update, plus a default collection of dependent objects, are listed in the Object List table. For more information on basic table use, sorting, using and customizing views, and finding strings in the table listing, see Using Tables and Customizing Table Views.
2. The Current Settings field above the Object List table displays the current configuration settings. If you are satisfied with the default collection of objects, skip to Step 5 of this procedure. Otherwise, modify the set of collected objects using one or more of the following methods:
Use the Configuration cascading menu in the Object List table to reset the configuration specification.
Use the collection action icons in the toolbar to collect, remove, exclude, or include available related objects. For more information on object collection, see Collecting in Advanced Mode.
3. If your target workspace is an active workspace (connected to local cache), you can specify how you would like primary content handled by selecting one or more objects and then applying the appropriate action. You can use either the Edit menu or the table toolbar. The current content-handling setting for each object is indicated by a symbol in the Workspace content status column. The following table describes the content-handling controls and indicators:
Menu Selection
Toolbar Icon (Advanced)
Indicator Symbol
Download Content
Content is downloaded to workspace upon execution of action.
Add Content as Link
Only metadata is downloaded to the workspace. A link is created to the commonspace content for later content download, if necessary. (This option is not available in the Windchill Workgroup Manager embedded browser.)
Reuse Content
No content is downloaded. Instead, the content on the version currently in the target workspace is used.
4. Optionally, to remove your specifications for object collection and return the list to its original state, click the reset icon .
5. Click Finish. The selected objects are updated as you have specified, and you are returned to the user interface from which you initiated the update action.
A non-checked-out object that has been modified, saved, and uploaded (for example, by selecting ‘Continue’ rather than ‘Check out now’ in the Conflicts message window) cannot be updated in the workspace. If you want to restore the pre-modification content, perform Add to Workspace on the commonspace version of the object, with the content-handling option set to 'Download' (not ‘Link’ or ‘Reuse’).
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