Checking Out Objects from Windchill
Check Out command allows you to add objects from the
Windchill commonspace to your workspace (if not already present in the workspace), and reserve them for modification. A working copy of the data base file can optionally be transferred to your local disk. A lock is placed on the object in the commonspace to prevent simultaneous modification in another workspace. Checking out non-latest iterations of CAD documents is supported, subject to certain conditions. See
Checking Out Non-latest Objects
A direct checkout (no user interface involved, only initially selected objects checked out) occurs when checkout is initiated from the following places:
• Workspace toolbar check out icon

• Workspace row level action
• Edit Attributes from the workspace
• Check out row-level actions
• Save As in workspace toolbar
• Workspace CAD document Structure tab toolbar
• CAD tool File menu
Using the workspace > menu selection allows you to use the
Check Out and Add to Workspace page to collect and configure an entire set of objects for checkout. In the
Windchill preferences user interface, you can set preferences for Add to Workspace and Check Out behavior. See
Preferences for Add to Workspace and Check Out.
| CAD model dependency rules as well as object status (if it is already in the workspace) affect which objects are ultimately selectable or de-selectable for Check Out. In addition, you may be able to check out some objects, but only download others, or check out only meta-data for yet other objects (Windchill PDMLink orWindchill ProjectLink only). |
To check out objects using the Check Out and Add to Workspace tool:
1. Select objects in your workspace that you want to check out and select > .
You can also initiate a checkout from other places in Windchill (for example, from an object's information page, or a folders page) by selecting Check Out from an Actions menu.
The Check Out and Add to Workspace page appears. By default, the tool displays the Basic (tabbed) version of the collection user interface. You can toggle to the advanced mode of collection by selecting the Advanced tab.
| If the Windchill preference, > > is set to Yes, the Advanced tab is set as the default tab displayed for Add to Workspace and Check Out actions. A value of No sets the Basic tab as the default. The default preference value is "No". |
2. If you are initiating the Check Out action from the commonspace, you can select a target workspace in the Workspace field. You can also create a new target workspace by clicking New.
3. Use the collection user interface (basic or advanced mode) to specify the objects to add, remove, include, or exclude from the checkout object list. This interface includes options to set a configuration specification. For more information on collection, see
Collecting in Basic Mode and
Collecting in Advanced Mode.
| If you are trying to download contents for objects that are already in the workspace, then configuration selection is not necessary. The workspace preference for configuration is used. |
In the advanced mode you can use
Windchill table features to better view your data.
For more information on basic table use, sorting, using and customizing views, and finding strings in the table listing, see Using Tables and Customizing Table Views.4. If your target workspace is an active workspace (connected to local cache), you can specify how you would like primary content handled, using one of the following methods:
◦ In the basic mode, select one of the following rules from the Primary Content drop-down menu (applies to all the objects collected for checkout):
▪ Download—Content is downloaded to workspace upon execution of action.
▪ Link—Only metadata is downloaded to the workspace and a link is created to the commonspace content for later content download, if necessary.
| To reuse the contents available in the local cache, check Reuse content in target workspace option. This option is applicable only to the objects whose iteration in the workspace matches the iteration in the Check Out / Add to Workspace user interface. Primary content handling does not apply to checkout using a standalone browser. |
◦ In the advanced mode, specify primary content handling by selecting one or more objects and then applying the appropriate action. You can use either the Edit menu or the table tool bar. The current content-handling setting for each object is indicated by a symbol in the Workspace content status column. The following table describes the content-handling controls and indicators.
Menu Selection (Basic) | Toolbar Icon (Advanced) | Indicator Symbol | Description |
Download | | | Download Content—Content is downloaded to workspace upon execution of action. |
Link | | | Depending on whether the modified content is uploaded or not, the following will happen: • Modified content is uploaded to the server— Only metadata is downloaded to the workspace and a link is created to the commonspace content for later content download, if necessary. • Modified content is not uploaded to the server— Modified content is replaced by commonspace content automatically. |
Reuse | | | Reuse Content—No content is downloaded. Instead, the content on the version currently in the target workspace is used. | This option is applicable only to the objects whose iteration in the workspace matches the iteration in the Check Out / Add to Workspace user interface. |
| You can select the Saved Filters  icon to displays the available saved filters and save filter actions. You can also select the available filters or: • Select Save to open the Save Filter window, allowing you to name and save the current filter definition. For more information, see Saving a Structure Filter. • Select Manage Filters to open the window, allowing you to select the show or share status of any saved filters. |
5. Set objects to be checked out, as follows.
◦ In the basic mode, set a rule by selecting one of the following types of objects from the Checkout menu (rule applies to all objects collected):
▪ Selected and modified—Initially selected objects and any dependents in the workspace with modified status are checked out.
▪ Selected—Only the initially selected objects are checked out.
▪ Required—Initially selected objects and any required dependents are checked out.
▪ All—Initially selected objects and all dependents are checked out.
◦ In the advanced mode, select table objects and then > or click the checkout icon

in the table toolbar (clicking

a second time toggles off the selection).
6. Optionally, to remove your specifications for object collection and handling, and return the table to its original state, click the reset icon

(in advanced mode only).
7. If your target workspace is an active workspace, you can select the Open initially selected object(s) in Authoring Application check box to automatically open each initially selected object in an individual CAD session window.
8. Click OK. The selected objects are checked out and added to the target workspace as you have specified. You are then returned to the user interface from which you initiated the check-out action.
| The preference, > > , enables you to specify to lock all objects that are not being checked out during Add to Workspace and Checkout operations. |
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