Input Validation and Build Processing
General Input Validation
The following validations are performed on the input file.
Ignore commented out lines (# at the beginning of the line) in the input file.
Check if all the expected values in each line are specified.
Ignore duplicate documents or parts.
Windchill Part Processing
Input Validation
Check if the user has Modify access to the part.
Check if the part is the latest iteration.
Check if part is checked in.
If the validateOnly option is selected, then associated documents are navigated and input validation for those documents are performed. For example, unverified documents associated with the part generate a validation error.
If the part being navigated using an id does not match with the other object details, then generate an error.
Validate the organization/project.
In a case of a validation failure, the row is skipped from the build. Other objects in the batch are built.
The failure log has details about the errors related to the row. You are expected to resolve he errors and rebuild the failed objects. You create a new input file for the failed objects as part of the rebuild.
Build Processing
All parts in the batch are built together.
If there is a build failure, the utility tries to build each part individually. Failed rows are written to failure logs.
At the end of the process, viewables are published using owner associations.
If the Recreate option is selected, then associated parts are checked out and all Uses links from the part assemblies are deleted. The part structure is built and the part is checked back in.
CAD Document Processing
Input Validation
Check if the CAD Document is unverified.
Check if the user has Read access to the document.
Check if the document is checked in.
Check if the part to be built is in a Checked in state.
If the validateOnly option is selected, then navigate the associated parts and perform an input validation.
If the document being navigated using an id does not match the other object details, then generate an error.
Validate the organization/project.
Build Processing
All documents in the batch are built together.
If there is a build failure, the utility tries to build each document individually. Failed rows are written to failure logs.
At the end of the process, viewables are published using owner associations.
If the Recreate option is selected, then associated parts are checked out and all Uses links from the part assemblies are deleted. The part structure is built and the part is checked back in.
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