Attributes Captured with Events
Attributes based on the target object of the event are captured with each event and written to the audit record. The attributes appear in the report as columns at the top of the table. Each object is a line item in the table. Depending on the target object, some of the columns may not apply and the value for the column will be “null”.
In addition to capturing a set of attributes that give the auditor a complete context of the event, transaction descriptions are captured for some events. Transaction descriptions are used to provide the auditor with a meaningful summary of the transaction. Auditing captures the attributes of the event target object at the beginning of the transaction. Additional attributes that are required to provide the auditor with the appropriate context for the events are captured as necessary.
The table below details the columns available in the audit report.
Branch ID
The internal numeric identifier of the version tree branch of the event target object.
Context ID
The internal identifier of the application context (product, library, project, or program) in which the event target object resides.
Context Name
The name of the context in which the event target resides
Context Type Branch ID
The internal numeric identifier associated with the application context type in which the event target object resides.
Domain Path
Domain path of the event target object.
Event Key
An identifier for the event. For more information, see Configuring Audit Event Recording.
Event Label
The localized name of the event.
Event Time
The date and time when the event occurred.
Folder Path
The folder path for the event target object.
Identity (via identity service)
The full identity for the event target object.
IP Address
The IP address of the user who initiated the event.
Life Cycle State
The current life cycle state of the event target object.
Master ID
The internal identifier for the object master of the event target object.
Object ID
The internal identifier for the event target object.
Object Identity
The identifier for the event target object as displayed on the object information page.
If the Expose Organization preference is set to Yes, the organization identity (CAGE Code, DUNS number, or ISO6523) is also displayed as part of the object identity.
Object Name
The name of the event target object.
Object Number
The number of the event target object.
Object Type
The type of the event target object.
Object Type Branch ID
The internal numeric identifier of the version tree branch of the object type of the event target object.
Organization ID
The internal organization identifier of the organization in which the event target object resides.
Organization Name (referred to as organization context throughout the documentation)
The name of the organization in which the event target object resides.
Security Labels
List of the security labels applied to the event target object. The version number of the list is stated first, followed by a name and value entry for each security label. The version number and name/value pairs are concatenated into a single string.
The name is the name attribute value of the SecurityLabel or CustomSecurityLabel element used in the security labels configuration file.
The value is the name attribute value of the SecurityLabelValue element used in the security labels configuration file for a standard security label value, and should match the internal name of a custom security label value.
Transaction Description
Description of what occurred when the event was emitted.
User Organization
The name of the organization to which the user belonged when the event was emitted.
User Name
User name of the user associated with the event.
User ID
An internal identifier for the user associated with the event.
The version identifier for the event target object.
Working Branch ID
The internal numeric identifier of the version tree branch of the event target object, if the event target object is a working copy.
The following table summarizes the additional event-dependent attributes specific to events that are captured and reported in the audit log Event Specific Data column:
Event Specific Data
Part Identities - The identity attributes of a part.
Add Role to Context Team
Role, Member - The role and member added to the team.
Add Role to Life Cycle Team
Role, Member - The role and member added to the team.
Add Role to Organization
Role - The role added to the organization.
Change Life Cycle State
Old Life Cycle State - The state of the object prior to state change.
Check In
Old Iteration Identity - The original (previous) iteration.
Check Out
Working Copy Folder Path - The working copy folder path.
New Object - The new object (via identity service).
Cross Site Request Forgery
Request ID, Request URI, Referrer
Part Identities - The identity attributes of a part.
Download Filename - The name of the file that was downloaded.
Edit Access Control
Permission Type, Ad Hoc, Domain, Ad Hoc and Domain, Ad Hoc Access Control List, Policy Access Control List
Edit Content
Content Name Added, Content Name Removed - The names of the content items and whether they were added or removed.
Edit Group
Participants Added, Participants Removed - The userid display identifier.
Edit Identity
Old Identity - The identity of the object before it was renamed.
Edit Team
Participants Added, Participants Removed - The participants added and removed from roles.
Context Path of Master - The path of the context where an exported object’s master resides.
Exported from Context Path - The path of the context from which the Export or Zip Package for Delivery actions are performed.
Exported from Folder Path - The path of the exported object. The folder path is only recorded if the object can be placed in a folder, and the folder it was exported from (or zipped for delivery) resides in the same context that is recorded in the Exported from Context Path attribute. For example, if a part is included in a package delivery in a project, but was collected from a product and is not shared to the project where the action Zip Package for Delivery is performed, then no folder path is recorded. In a different example, if a part is created in a product and shared to a project, and the shared instance of the part is then included in a package delivery in the project, then when the Zip Package for Delivery occurs the Exported from Folder Path entry will be the folder in the project where it was shared to.
Exported from Workspace - The workspace from which a CAD document was exported. Only recorded for CAD documents that are exported from an embedded browser in a workspace using the Export from Workspace action.
Concurrency Users - The number of concurrent users.
Concurrency Users - The number of concurrent users.
Markup and Annotate
Markup - The identity of the markup or the annotation.
Modify Access Policy
All Except Participant, Participant, Permissions, Permissions Granted, Permissions Denied, Permissions Absolutely Denied, Life Cycle State, Object Type - Information on access policy.
Modify Product Structure
Child Added, Child Removed, Child Quantity Changed
Modify Security Labels
Old Security Labels - The security labels applied to the object prior to security label change.
From Folder Path - The folder path prior to move.
New View Version
Old Version - Source object identity (via the identity service).
Not Authorized Access
Permission - Permission that was not granted and resulted in the error.
Message - Error message for the event.
One Off Version
Old Version - Source object identity (via the identity service).
PDM Checkout
Context Path of PDM Checkout Object - Context path for the source object.
Folder Path of PDM Checkout Object - Folder path for the source object.
PDM Checkout Object Identity - The identifier for the event source object.
Remove Role from Context Team
Role, Member - The role and member that were removed from the team.
Remove Role from Life Cycle Team
Role, Member - The role and member that were removed from the team.
Remove Role from Organization
Role - The role removed from the organization.
Old Version - Source object identity (via the identity service).
Search Criteria - Search criteria entered.
Security Label Download Acknowledgement
Download Acknowledgement Message, Security Label, Security label Value - The message text, security label name, and security label value for the download acknowledgement.
Sent To Print
File – The name of the file that was sent to the identified printer and the name of the associated business object.
Add Share - An object share was initiated.
Remove Share - A shared object was removed from a project.
Shared to Context Path - The target context to which the object was shared.
Shared to Folder Path - The target folder to which the object was shared. The folder path is only recorded if the object can be placed in a folder.
For share events prior to Windchill 11.0 M020, Remove Share actions and the context for a share were not recorded, so the event specific data will always display Add Share and will not include Shared to Context Path.
View Representations
Representation - Viewed representation name.
Workflow Activity Variable Change
Name - The name of the variable.
Type - The type of variable.
Value - The value of the variable.
Workflow Variable Change
Name - The name of the variable.
Type - The type of variable.
Value - The value for the variable.
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