Agreement Attributes
The agreement attributes are available on the agreement information page by selecting the Details tab, and can be specified when creating or editing an agreement. Many agreement attributes are common to all Windchill objects. For more information about these attributes, see Object Attributes. The following table gives information about some agreement-specific attributes:
Name and Number
Both the Name and Number attributes can be modified using the Rename action. The agreement Name does not need to be unique, but the agreement Number does need to be unique within Windchill.
The type of the agreement is specified during creation and cannot be edited. You can create subtypes of the agreement type using the Type and Attribute Management utility. For more information about the agreement type, see Agreement Type and Subtypes.
Start Date
The Start Date provides the date and time that the agreement becomes active. The Start Date can be any date and time. For more information, see Agreement Starting and Ending Dates.
End Date
The End Date provides the date and time that the agreement becomes inactive. The End Date can be any date and time after the start date. Agreements stop clearing security label values on authorized objects at the end date and time. For more information, see Agreement Starting and Ending Dates.
Pending Expiration Interval
The value represents the number of days before the agreement expires that the subscription service sends out a notification to the subscribed users. By default, this value is set at 0 days and no notifications will be sent. Users with at least Read permissions must subscribe to the Agreement Expiration Pending event to receive notification of the pending expiration. For more information, see the online help available from the Subscribe window.
Authorization Document
Provides a link to the authorization document, or contract, associated with the agreement. If no document has been specified, this field is blank.
Only one authorization document can be associated with an agreement. If a document is the authorization document of an agreement, the document cannot be deleted from Windchill unless the document is removed from the agreement or the agreement is deleted.
Authorized Life Cycle States
Lists the life cycle states in which the authorized objects are accessible to authorized participants. By default, all life cycle states are authorized.
Authorized Related Changes
Lists the change objects related to authorized objects that are cleared through the agreement. By default, related change objects are not authorized.
Agreement Status
Shows the agreement as Pending, Active, Expired, Superseded, or Inactive. This status notes whether the agreement is in effect by taking into account its life cycle state, version, start time, end time, and current time. For more information, see Agreement Status.
The life cycle state of the agreement is set using the Set State action. The active life cycle state is determined when agreements are enabled. To allow an agreement to clear security label values on an object, the agreement must be in the life cycle state specified in the security labels configuration file. For more information, see Agreement Life Cycle.
Authorized Security Label Values
Lists the security label values to which the agreement applies. Depending on what was selected when the agreement was created or edited, this may be a subset of the security label values configured to use this agreement type. For more information, see Authorized Security Label Values.
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