Using the Edit Definition Tab
The Edit Definition tab within the design context Information page contains tools for editing and refining the design context part structure prior to opening it in your CAD environment. There are three important areas within the Edit Definition tab.
The actions toolbar
The design context structure pane
The tabbed pane
Actions Toolbar
The actions toolbar appears just below the design context Actions menu. The toolbar actions are divided into sections called action sets as shown in the following figure.
The following table provides a general description of the action sets.
Action Set
Use these actions to modify or reset the representation as well as exclude selected nodes in the design context part structure. For more information, see Editing Action Set - Design Contexts.
Design Context
Use these actions to save the current design context definition and leave design context edit mode. For more information, see Design Context Action Set - Design Contexts.
Use these actions to modify and save views of the Structure pane as well as change the layout and display of the panes in the Edit Definition tab. For more information, see Viewing Action Set - Design Contexts.
Use these actions to view filter information and modify the parameters of the filters used to display the design context part structure. For more information, see Filter Action Set - Design Contexts.
Attribute Rules
Use this action to add, remove, or modify the value of design context attribute rules. For more information, see Attribute Rules Action Set - Design Contexts.
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