Rules for Adding Part Family Objects to a Workspace
Consider these rules for using Add to Workspace or Add:
Any family member can be individually selected for Add to Workspace. For example, you can choose to add the top-level generic to the workspace.
If you select an instance to add to the workspace, the generic is always included as a required dependent.
When you add assembly instances to the workspace, the generic assembly is collected by default. However, the required children of the generic are not included. Only the components in the instance are added to the workspace.
In some cases, adding configurations to a workspace may fail because this action can cause the generic to become incompatible. For example, it may fail while adding the earlier iteration of the Family Table if the workspace already contains the latest iteration of the same Family Table with different configurations (iterated after the addition of a new instance or after renaming existing configurations either from the Configuration Manager or from the Design Table).
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