Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Creo View Integration > Visualizing Dynamic Structures > Additional Administrative Preferences Affecting Dynamic Visualization
Additional Administrative Preferences Affecting Dynamic Visualization
The following WVS properties are used to control the visualization of Assembly Features:
WVS Property
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies whether to exclude representations with additive assembly features. These properties are used to improve performance when generating the dynamic structure. They do not impact the actual end result; that is, the dynamic structure is the same regardless of what the property is set to.
Description: These properties specify whether to exclude representations of assembly parts or CAD Documents that have additive assembly features (such as welds and pipes) from the dynamic CAD part structure.
The property defaults to True if it is absent.
This property’s performance gain is realized for representations published with a Creo View adapter that injects data into the PVS file to indicate whether there are assembly features. Currently, the only adapter that supports this is the Creo Parametric adapter, beginning at Creo View 3.0 M020.
Default Value: WTPart
Synopsis: Specifies what version mismatch warnings are displayed when opening Creo View.
Description: This property is used to configure how version mismatch warning messages are displayed when users view Dynamic Part Structures with Assembly Features processing enabled. Specifically, a warning message is displayed when there is a version mismatch between the CAD documents. There are four possible values for this property:
WTPart — Only Part version mismatches are displayed in the warning message.
EPMDocument — Only EPMDocument mismatches are displayed in the warning message.
EPMDocumentRevertToWTPart — EPMDocument mismatches are displayed in the warning message. If it is not possible to detect if there is an EPMDocument mismatch, it checks if the WTPart is a mismatch.
Both — Both WTPart mismatches and EPMDocument mismatches are displayed in the warning message.
The property defaults to WTPart if not specified, or if it is not set to one of the values specified above.
Default: False
Synopsis: Application Type to Java class lookup.
Description: Valid for type PROE when publishing as an extended positioning assembly. If set to True, the representation retrieves dependent files from components of all assembly levels in the assembly structure. If set to false , only the first-level components in the assembly structure is retrieved.
Setting this property to True has an impact on performance. Set this property to True for customers using a modeling practice that creates assembly features for non-direct children at the top-level assembly.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies whether to read the PVS file of representations when viewing dynamic CAD structures or PART structures in Creo View or in the Visualization tab.
Description: The dynamic structure of a representation that has a pvsfile with a single component is generated on the server without reading the pvsfile from the vault. To allow the dynamic structure generation to recognize if this representation is suitable for not reading the pvsfile, representation is marked with a new OL file name flag.
If set to True, the performance while loading Dynamic CAD and Part structures in Creo View and in Visualization tab improves.
If set to false, WVS read the PVS file for each component.
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